Household fetilizers

Boost the growth of your plants naturally with our spirulina algae fertilizer.

Boost the growth of your plants naturally with our spirulina algae-based fertilizer. Rich in essential nutrients and beneficial minerals. This unique product feeds your plants in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. Spirulina, known for its high protein and vitamin content, strengthens roots and promotes more vigorous and healthy growth. Bring vitality to your garden in a natural way and enjoy stronger and more abundant crops.

Hidro booster

Hidro Booster

100% natural fertilizer made with organic algae of spirulina, minerals, salts, natural enzymes and polyacrylamide with potassium acrylate.

• Reduces irrigation frequency
• Greater penetration of minerals
• Favors the germination process of seeds
• Activates the process of photosynthesis
• Preserves the environment
• Develops a more robust root system
• Vigorous crop growth

Green booster

Green Booster

100% natural fertilizer made with organic algae of spirulina, minerals, salts and natural enzymes.

• Reduces stress caused by climatic change
• Facilitates regeneration of damaged tissues
• Plant resistance to endemic diseases
• Favors soil restoration
• Accelerates formation and growth of crops

The process of alotropization allows a greater penetration of vitamins and minerals at greater depth, making its performance more powerful.

Potassium acrylate is a synthetic resin designed for agricultural use as a tool to administer water and reduce irrigation frequencies in times of drought. The process of alotropization allows a greater penetration of vitamins and minerals at greater depth, making its performance more powerful. 

It favors the germination process of the seeds, activates the formation of the root system, stimulates the assimilation of the macroelements contributed to the soil or the plant, accelerates the formation and growth of the leaves, activates the process of photosynthesis of nutritional and reserve substances in plants, favors the formation of flowers, the capacity of fertilization and fruit set of them, reduces the effects of stress caused by climatic, chemical or other actions, facilitates the regeneration of damaged tissues, favors the permeability of all agrochemical products, improving the performance of its active materials, being able to reduce its application doses to the minimum recommended, preserves the environment by not containing heavy metals, not being toxic, dangerous, or flammable and by allowing the reduction of pesticide application rates, stimulates acquired immunology, increasing the resistance of plants to endemic diseases, favors the restoration of the soil and its beneficial bacterial flora, increase crop yields, uniformity, coloration and quality of the fruits, increase in Biomass in pastures, increase of yields in vegetables, decrease in the degree of vane in rice, decreased nitrate content in fruits, decrease in the amount of fertilizers to be used, increased crop resistance to pest attack, increase in size, increase in the efficiency of fertilizers, vigorous growth of the crop, faster absorption of water, develops a more robust root system, increases the efficiency of soil nutrients.


Costa Rica

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Whatsapp: (+506) 8828-3000